Chelation round 75. Back in the saddle again.

rw818ibs15_im_back_in_the_saddle_again_800After a long chelation break I’m back in the saddle. Sixteen months I’ve have had off chelation. It was an enforced absence. Too sick to chelate. Last year was very unpleasant health-wise, but I have regained enough of my strength and health to restart my mercury detoxification. Life is pretty normal again now. I work, I herb, and now I chelate again. I am well enough to support everything at last. I chelate using the Andrew Cutler Protocol.

My 75th chelation round was fine. Not the smoothest, not by a long way, but nothing bad, or even remotely bad happened. After such a long break it should be considered normal to have a few slightly rough rounds whilst my body gets back in the regular rhythm of chelation.

I had a little heartburn rumbling, but only a mild two on the Richter scale.

On the third day I had a moment of clarity. At lunch I looked up and everything was visually clear. Like switching TV channel to a high-definition channel. I could see clearly now. Colours were more focused and vivid. The pictures on my walls looked clear and vivid. Blue particularly sparkled at me.

I had periods of activity and periods of tiredness, but nothing extraordinary. Did a lot of work in the garden and got out of breath and my heart kicked into turbo. I just sat down on the wall and breathed deep. It passed within 90 seconds. Nothing serious.

I had the most incredible night-sweats. Holy cow it was intense. I have been getting night-sweats recently anyway, but on night two of the round I woke up completely drenched. I went to the loo and the sweat was running down my legs, my t-shirt was sodden, my hair wet through. Not sure what that means?

I smell too. I had forgotten about that. I smell ripe. In fact I smell musky and manly. Powerfully pungent! Funny how we like our own smell, but dislike others. I guess this is a man thing. I guess to everyone else I just smell strong and nasty. Oh, the joys of chelation!

Bowel movements went to light tan for 24 hours, as is usual when I chelation. It’s a liver stress signal.

In the previous 20 rounds I have had re-distribution side-effects for about 3 days after the round ended. And this was no exception. First day and a half was mild, but last day and a half I did feel a bit pikey. Nothing serious, but tired and a tad irritable. Like I got out the bed the wrong side. I was itchy-under-my-skin too. Not sure how else to describe that uncomfortable off-feeling after a round. Itchy-under-my-skin is the best I can come up with.

Also had on odd rash on my ankle appeared from nowhere, but overall it was a perfectly normal round.

I don’t really have a time line I am aiming at. I am a lower doser. I chelated at 5mgs ALA only. I am not sure how long my chelation will take, but I am mentally prepared for the long haul. 75 rounds under my belt, I’d estimate I have at least the same again to go. I think I will be a 190 round man, but that’s so far off as to be irrelevant. At my rate of chelation that’s another 5 years.

Not ideal…

But what can I do? I don’t believe I should burden myself with targets and time lines. I believe I should just get on with it and chelate when I can. And that’s what I’m doing.

That’s all folks!

4 thoughts on “Chelation round 75. Back in the saddle again.

  1. I’m currently on a chelation break myself at the moment. Will resume in a few weeks. I’m curious – What changes when you up your dose sizes? Is it just the redistribution, or the actual chelation process itself you have difficulties with?

    Re: Redistribution. I’m pretty much the same. I think it takes about 8-12 hours from your final dose before redistribution kicks in at all, and then the next day before it hits it’s hardest. I just sauna my way through redistribution along with lots of water.

  2. When i up my dosage size, i get increasing symptoms during the round that make life pretty unpleasant, then the after round re-distribution kicks in even harder. It is not a question of toughing anything out. Its a question of not chelating at those high doses. I mean, i have to tough it out, but it is very obvious i am not ready for the higher doses and need to stick at a lower dose.

    I do detox baths after my rounds, they help mop up the mobilised mercury. It helps and if i miss the baths, i get worse re-distribution problems.

    Not heard of slimmy saliva, but extra or lots of saliva is a mercury detox symptom. It is one of the ways the body trys to get the mercury out. Do you mean you awake with a gummy, furry mouth? Thats a yeast, parasite, candida signal. And chelation often makes those problems flare up.


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