Master Cleanse: The results are in! Part II – More good news!

carrot-cake-13I holidayed in France this year. I brought back a gorgeous hunk of French cheese called Beaufort. Lovely stuff made from raw milk. I have been saving it as a treat after the fast broke. It’s been sitting in the fridge for six weeks, taunting me. Last night I reverently prepared a snack board after my evening meal. Walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, prunes, fresh figs, fresh plums, some of the French raw cheese and a little dollop of honey, all arranged artistically on a wooden board. Jamie Olivier would have been proud!

I sat down, had a good sniff, I do like to have a good sniff of my food, and was completely non-plus-ed with the cheese. How odd! I ate the nuts and seeds and saved the best bit until last: the cheese…and was totally not-impressed, nor blown away: just disappointed. The cheese tasted ok-ish, but the other ingredients on the plate tasted much better. All the veggie meals I have eaten since I broke the fast have all tasted oh-so much better than this let-down-of-a-cheese.

How gutting is that! My cheese fetish has been crushed! Before the fast I was almost a cheese-aholic! I suppose this is a good thing. I guess it means I am more in balance now, with no/fewer nutritional deficiencies. I guess my calcium levels are in balance. I am happy about that, very happy indeed, but I’m sad at the loss of my love for cheeeeeeeeese! Oh no!!

My palette and diet have changed dramatically since I finished the Master Cleanse fast. All the meals I eat taste just amazing. Totally wonderful. Even simple foods blow my mind with their zingy yummy-ness. When I first broke the fast it was almost orgasmic! Two weeks later and now I just greatly appreciate and enjoy each meal, but much more so than before. Not sure how long this will last, but it is lovely to be so enjoying my foods. It feels like my digestion, my sense of taste and smell have been re-set. Re-set back to ground zero. Re-set back to a baby level. Difficult to describe, but: fresh, clear and clean: balanced with no cravings.

I not longer desire meat either. I used to eat quite a lot of organic meat, but the taste for it has evaporated. I have tried a little lamb and chicken but it did nothing for me and I am consequently avoiding meat…and I’m loving the veggies in a BIG BIG way. How odd! So, yeah, it seems I am going veggie. A vegetarian! Ohhhh man! Didn’t expect that! But the veggie meals I am eating taste wonderful, and I don’t fancy meat at all.

Ok, I’m not really going totally veggie, that would too wild, just minimising the meat. My wife cooked a chicken coconut curry last night and I only had one piece of meat, not my usual three.

The fast involved only drinking lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Now I crave lemons! I have been squeezing lemon juice everywhere! Almost everything I eat has a good squidge of the stuff all over. I am also spicing my food a lot more than before. I have been eating whole chillies!! And enjoying it massively! I guess that’s from eating all that cayenne pepper every day during the fast. Very good for you that stuff: gets things moving!

I feel stronger now. Physically stronger. Energy has returned. Fatigue has re-treated. I noticed the strength return when I was shaking that damn thermometer down. I have much more force in my arms and it’s no problem shaking the thing down. It’s the odd little things like that that bring a smile to my face: such a bonus to realise life is returning to normality.

My temps are perfect. I just took them daily for five days in a row and everything was 36.7: bang on! Amazing eh!

Restarting my yoga practice really is the major turnaround for me. It is my icing on my cake. When I consider my health, being able to workout about defines good health to me. With the workouts I am strengthening my body as well as cleansing it. Yoga also has a wonder effect of calming the mind too. I always feel refreshed and energised after my practice.

I am practicing daily now. I am very much an all-or-nothing kinda chap. Not really into half measures. Obviously after two years of ill-health and fatigue, my poor old body is creaking from inactivity. I am not as young as I was either. But I am taking my time, taking things nice and easy, gently easing myself back into the old routine of exercise. I am stiff and in-flexible, but I know the flexibility will return with regular practice. If I practice my yoga 6-7 times a week, I don’t need to push myself hard at all. Strength and flexibility will naturally return given the regularity of daily practice. There is no rush. Daily practice makes returning health fairly easy. The only discipline required is hauling my arse out of bed at 5am each morning! At the moment I’m in the mode, excited and raring to go, so it’s easy.

I have done a lot of yoga in the past and once I get into the routine of getting up at 5am, it quickly becomes second nature – provided I am actually strong enough to do the work outs. It seems I have the energy right now. In the past, sometimes yoga practice has been an uphill battle as my poor injured body couldn’t handle the physicality of it. Now, today, although I am unfit from inactivity, I have none of the aches and pains that I usually associate with restarting workouts. That can only be a good thing. That Master Cleanse has cleaned out some old long forgotten, long hidden crap. Now my body works better than it has for many a year. I have no idea how long this will last? Who knows eh, but I like to make hay while the sun shines. Sun is shining right now so I have to make the most of it while I can: practice daily and get strong again.

I have already been asked when I will be restarting chelation! LOL. Thanks Terry! Never a spare moment eh! But I will take it easy with chelation. First thing I need to do is enjoy my new-found better health. These last couple of years have been difficult. Next I have to get strong again. Two years of weary inactivity takes it toll and it will take months to regain power. The fatigue I have just got rid of was directly caused by some chelation rounds. So when I restart chelation I want to be as strong as possible. I am still rebuilding after the fast anyways. I didn’t eat for 28 days. I lost 6kg in that time and it will take 28 days to regain the weight I lost. It’s been two weeks since I broke the fast – I have put on 3kg.

Current plan is: two weeks Humaworm liver herbs, two weeks off. Then two more weeks liver herbs. I will sneak in one or two more liver flushes too, but not decided when. Probably in the middle of the two weeks off period. I will Master cleanse for sure again in January. Not sure yet what I will do inbetween the liver herbs and the MC, because there will be 6 weeks gap to fill. Time will tell, but I am not gonna try chelation until I am stronger. Remember I still have things to sort out. Liver is still congested. Suddenly my back aches a little. I am much better, but still things need sorting out.

But I have made smashing progress here with the Master Cleanse. I am amazed. I am so glad that I actually took the time to write all down too. To map out all the problems I had before the fast. Then afterwards to review each problem and see what change has actually happened. When I write it out in black and white, detailing exactly what’s got better: it’s pretty stunning. Sometimes you just get on with life and forget what ached yesterday. But to see in writing all the things that have change for the better is a pretty cool thing. Happy dayz! Success.

Why? Did I do the Master Cleanse in the first place? I have been thinking about this? Why did I suddenly embark on the fast? Well, my fatigue would not go away. My thyroid seemed ok. My adrenals only slightly out. Vit D was a problem, but less of a problem now. I just came to understand I also had problems with my B-vits. I researched this is some detail thinking that was my next port of call in getting rid of the fatigue. Two months I spent reading about gene testing, active B12 therapy and methylation. Fuck! That methylation is a completed boat-load of incomprehensible crap. I got frustrated because it was so difficult to understand. I couldn’t see an easy path to learning about and understanding methylation.

So I got to thinking. What I really needed was something that ignored all the complexities, something simple, that went to the root of that matter and just cured everything. What could I do? Eventually I remembered fasting was supposed to do just that: cure everything. So I researched fasting, came across the Master Cleanse, researched that in some detail too – and the rest is history.

And there you have it. The reason I did the Master cleanse was because I was frustrated at my inability to grasp methylation. Funny old world eh!

That’s all folks!

PS: Respect and good luck to Anthony and family for making a new life and going for it in USA. Hope your dreams come true. XXX

PPS. And Good luck to Steven who is thinking about following in my footsteps and doing a Master Cleanse. Good luck dude.


5 thoughts on “Master Cleanse: The results are in! Part II – More good news!

  1. maybe after all we can all get better even without chelation..who knows. There must be other way of getting healthy. I was last year one week in Austin OHI for a week on wheat grass juice fasting. I felt fantastic..we need time to take off from work and dedicate it to healing but capitalism does not wait …

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