Master Cleanse

Master_CleanserTime for a health update and to re-assess my situation. The discovery that my temperature is normal means my thyroid glands are ok. Temps are mostly, but not completely, stable meaning my adrenals are mostly ok. A little bit of adrenal cortex has very much levelled the temps out. But this discovery means that my fatigue is likely NOT caused by thyroid and adrenal problems.

This is a big deal, a big and new understanding. I have been working on the assumption that it’s all ‘about adrenals and thyroids’ since February this year. Now I learn my problems are caused by something else….and I need to figure out what. Hence – time to review my situation with a health check. I have been making lots of notes and observations about my situation. I will now list out all the clues to my ill-health and my current opinions:

How un-healthy am I?

The list below will make out that I have a million things wrong, but the major problem is fatigue, everything else is small fry compared to the constant fatigue. Chelation is impossible with this fatigue. The last few rounds have been technically fine, but have left me even more fatigued and this makes my job in the city incredibly tricky. Remember I am not at home all day caring for myself; I’m in the thick of it in the city, in a busy and hectic business lifestyle.

So I will list out all my hassles and clues to give myself a clear picture: Hopefully with all my hassle laid out in front of me I will be able to see more clearly.

1) Fatigue is the main problem. It is chronic and it will not go away.

2) I have very mild depression. This is directly related to my current health and how I feel in the moment. The more fatigued I am, the more grumpy I get. When I have a good day and am feeling physically fine – I feel mentally great too. So, I just kinda disregard this issue as much as possible because I know it is just a symptom of the fatigue.

3) Lab tests showed high reverse T3 (RT3) problem.

4) Lab tests showed I have low DHEA. Dr Peatfield said I should try supplementing DHEA. Someone else of a forum said not to supplement DHEA. Not sure what to do on this. Needs more research.

4) I have had problems taking B-vits and B12 – they make me more fatigued as I introduce them. Is this a methylation problem? Probably. Is methylation really tricky to understand? Yes!

5) Chelation made the fatigue worse. Why? No idea.

6) Adrenals still slightly out. Cortisol problems. Too little in the mornings, too much in the day. Adrenal cortex is being used to sort this out.

7) I have burning feet. Sole of my left foot gets horribly hot, burning hot. It is mostly mild, and all I have to do is take my shoes off and it goes away, but still, it is annoying.  I also get a rash on my left foot, which I guess comes from the burning foot thing.

8) Blood sugar problem with some hypoglycaemia an issue. Morning snacks are essential but otherwise controlled by diet.

9) Lilido low-ish, although much better since the introduction of the adrenal cortex supplement for my adrenals.

10) When I get the fatigue kicking in, I get this weird grippy hand thing. I grip my hands tight tight. Not sure what it is. Just another symptom.

11) I cannot do any exercise. No gym. No yoga. If I do have a work out, I just get very tired and need a nap/rest. I am also susceptible to injury. I know not to push things, so I don’t work out. I will ‘know’ when I can exercise because my body will tell me by being full of life and energy.

12) I have good days and bad days. There seems to no rhyme or reason to the good or bad days, although if I drink I usually have a bad next day.

13) If I drink booze, even one sip of wine, I sleep real badly and lack of sleep makes the next day full of fatigue. Obviously I am not drinking at the moment.

14) No wheat. I am off wheat. It is not a digestion thing, but it does something odd to by blood pressure and sometimes gives heart palpitations. Not sure why.

15) I eat a lot at each meal. Breakfast, lunch and dinner I eat a full and large plate of food. All good clean organic grub, but it is noticeable that I eat so much food. Why do I take note of this oddity? Well, because I am pretty slim. 6 foot 1 inch tall and all I weigh is 68kg. This must be a signal that I am not absorbing/assimilating my food correctly.

16) I have a furry tongue in the mornings upon waking. A sure signal that I need to detox.

17) I have just discovered I have a vitamin D deficiency. I just got some blood tests in and I’m told my Vit D is VERY LOW and I should supplement D very high. I just came back from holiday in France, weather was sunny, hot and lovely. I gradually got better and better as the days passed, but I got much better once I had my base tan and stopped applying suntan lotion. Felt like the suns rays energised me. Funny eh! I always do better with more sunshine:-) I need to get in some Vit D research because I think this is a biggie for me.

18) Most nights I get up to pee once. No big deal, but it’s not normal.

19) I have mild carpel tunnel syndrome on my left wrist. It is mild and under control, but it gives me a weak right arm and makes yoga postures painful.

20) Ears are fine, but for some odd reason I cannot listen to loud headphone music. Loud music is fine, but just not on headphones. I wonder if fasting will sort this weirdness out?

So in summery, it does not seem to be a thyroid and adrenal thing that is causing the fatigue. Something else must be causing the fatigue. Maybe Methylation issue with B-vits. Certainly a Vit D problem is here. Getting better on holiday is a clear signal that in need more sunshine!! He he!

Once I realised it was not the thyroid causing the fatigue, I started worrying, started being concerned and pissed-off about my situation. I like to know what’s going on. I like to have a plan of action. And here I was not knowing what to do. The fatigue is stopping me chelating and I can’t get long term better without chelation. This $hit has delayed me for over two years now….so that’s why I got to thinking, and that’s why I wrote a load of notes and prepared the above list of all my ailments. When I write things down, it all gets clearer in my mind.

Facts: I am not sure what is causing the fatigue. It is probably Vit D deficiency, but it might be methylation issues, or low DHEA, or high RT3, or it could be something else entirely that I don’t know about. Or it could be a combination of all these things?

What I really need is something that will cover all bases in one fal-swoop.


Anyways, I am a man of action, I hate sitting around doing nothing, hate not knowing what to do, I always need a plan of action, so I have decided to do some fasting. A serious fast this time. The Master Cleanse. As recommended by Stanley Burroughs book, first published in 1976. I have known about this detox for ages, but never really had the balls to try it. It’s pretty hardcore. The diet is lemons, cayenne pepper, maple syrup – and that’s it. No food. No supplements. Minimum 10 days. hardcore! Oh yeah, and you have to drink Lax tea twice a day to keep the bowel moving. Lovely eh!

Some people do liver flushes, and P&B shakes, and parasite cleanses at the same time, but I’m going to keep things simple and stick to the program and simply fast as per the instructions in the book. No modern variations. Seems hardcore enough as it is without adding a load of even more adventurous things into the mix.

The Master Cleanse is supposed to be do-able at the same time as continuing a normal working life. Not sure about that, but I will try to work at the same time. If I get side-effects, so be it, I will take time off work. I have decided this needs doing.

I just spent the last week researching everything, I read over a hundred testimonials about how magically cured everyone has gotten on this fast, and honestly I’m pumped up and ready to roll. I’m all excited and feel like a kid again. I really love a challenge. I love a fight and detoxing myself is always so much fun. I had a tester drink last night to warm myself up, and tasted nice and I wasn’t hungry at all. I had a super-furry-tongue in the morning! Yuck! I expect the first three days to be tricky – that’s normal with all types of fasting. The literature claims the fast will cure everything. Yup everything, every ill. Interesting eh? Well…we’ll find out soon enough!

My previous record is 10 days on a juice fast. How long will I go with this one? What am I aiming for? I want to keep things calm and not have too many deadlines and finishing lines, so I will just go with the flow and try and do at least 10 days. Minimum 10 days is the only goal. I have read that to get fully cleansed one must fast until the tongue is pink and clear of any gunk (for 24 hours). I will try for that, but I think that’s 20-40 days fasting and not sure I can handle that. We will see.

I’m assured the only weight I can lose is fat, waste, toxins and gunk. So hopefully I will not lose too much muscle weight. That is the only worry I have: losing too much weight is an issue because I am already slight, and being a gaunt skeleton in the office is not ideal. Already with this fast I will be unable to entertain clients, because I can’t eat food. Anyways…this needs doing. I have decided. I start on Friday. Wish me well!!

The above list of my hassles is a pre-fast marker. Lets see what the fast can sort out eh!!

I weigh in at 68kg.

I also have a list of motivational goals to keep sharp:

1) Fuck the office! This is more than business, this is my health. My health takes precedence over the office for the next couple of weeks. I don’t fast very often, just once or twice a year, so when I do fast, I should do it properly.

2) see step 1.

That’s all folks!

PS whilst I’m fasting my to-do list will be researching: B-vits, methylation, DHEA, Vit D deficiency….

4 thoughts on “Master Cleanse

  1. Sounds like your liver, Sunshine. But you GOTTA keep going with the chelation. Even if it is only a mg of ALA. Otherwise it is constant wackamole with symptoms.

  2. Yeah, liver and everything else. But i can’t chelate with this fatigue. It is totally outta the question. impossible. Last few rounds have crushed me. So need to sort the fatigue out first.

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