About Sunshine

I am the author of The Mercury Diaries.

My Top 10 Meditations

OK, due to popular demand (thanks emails and comments) we have my favourite ten meditations. This is just a small sample of my collection. There is also a massive variety available on iTunes. Once you start looking you will find hundreds of the buggers! I also have a few podcasts too, but they tend to be shorter and more amateur like. Nothing wrong with short meditations, but I prefer long meditations because I meditate so often: 45 minutes is ideal for me.

Eight out of the ten are guided meditations. That just means someone is talking you through what to think about during the meditation. A little story, a journey, or thinking about different parts of your body.

They are not really in any order because they are all so different, but the first is my favourite.

1) “Guided Mediation” – iTunes
One of the simplest meditations you can get. It just focuses on your breath and gently reminds you every couple of minutes to re-focus back on your breath again if you have wandered off thinking about something else. Six different track lengths of exactly the same concept. Focus deep breath. Simple and effective. It’s a surprise such a simple concept is my most listened to meditation. When I meditate with no guided words or music – this is how I meditate: just focus on the breath, and when the minds wanders off, as it always does, just refocus back to the breath.

2) “Walking the cobra” by Baird Hersey on  iTunes
Ok, this is not the normal kinda thing you would expect from a meditation, but it’s brilliant. Not totally sure how to describe it without putting you off, but: song, tones, vibrations, melodic. Officially it’s called an “Overtone Singing Chakra Meditation”. The only instrument on this recording is the guy’s voice and there is no talking. I never heard anything like this before. It’s funky, but absolutely lovely.

3) iRelax – Yoga Nidra, OrangeOrb – iTunes
This is a ‘full tour of the body’ mediation. 45 minutes where you visit each part of your body, notice it and relax it. That might sound odd, but it’s ultra relaxing. Nice tinkly music in the background too.

4) A guided meditation for self healing – Crimson lane experiences. – iTunes
Really cool focused balls of white light that energises your body. Nice!

5) David Coulson
Anything by this guy is pretty cool. These are just two of his tracks. They are always potent and strong.
Emerald heart – Funky angel mediation.
Archangel Chakra meditation – Strong and powerful chakra balance.

6) Kala Ambrose – iTunes
Long funky adventure meditations leading you all around the world of your mind. Three different albums:Hawaii,Egypt and my favourite Tibet where you are guided into some ice caves!

7) The Space Between Galaxies – Aardvark music – iTunes
Funky guided space travel!!!

8) Osho Reminding Yourself of Forgotten language of talking to your mind and body. Osho. – iTunes
Ok, this guy was a major meditation healer dude back in the ’60’s ‘70’s and 80’s. Major cult following. I read a book about this amazing guy. Very famous chap. Had lots of Rolls Royce’s and full to the brim of energy. Anyway, cool meditation with focused healing on body location of your choice.

9) Chakra healing: Aime R. Shea – iTunes
Does exactly what it says on the tin: Chakra meditation. Visualise the colours of each different chakra. Also has a very nice count down mediation too. That counts you down to a state of deep relaxation. Nice.

10) Angel Paradise – Berglunt
Ok, this is the uber-funky-beyond-the-thunderdome meditation: Hemi-sync. This is the stuff that vibrates your brain and takes you to La-La land. Very healing and very funky and very powerful. Not for the faint hearted. Do not start here if you are a meditation virgin! Or maybe you should??? Hahaha….This is the business end of wildness. My sinuses healed with this! One time my 11 year old daughter crept into my room and did the meditation with me. She ‘dreamt’ a whole massive Harry Potter, Hogwarts adventure dream. Very vivid! She loved it.
Dive in and have fun! Where will you go tonight?

That’ll do. That’s more than enough to choose from, and as I said there are loads more on iTunes once you start looking.

Oh yeah, this is a two-way thing! If you have or find any great meditations…I expect you to tell me about them!! 😉


Why do I meditate?

Ok boys and girls, we are gonna go deep tonight. Meditation. Why do I meditate? I meditate most days, probably six times a week. I awake each morning at 519am, my alarm goes off at 520am, I get up, brush my teeth, drink a pint of water, get my breakfast lined up for later, take any early morning supplements and then settle down in my room for 45-60 minutes mediation. I have a little heater to warm me up. I have a blanket to keep me warm too.

But why? Why bother? Why not take the extra hour as sleep? Surely my body could use an extra hours sleep? I normally only get seven hours, surely eight would make me feel GREAT? What’s so bloody good about sitting around doing nothing?

I ask myself these questions because I find it odd. I work long, busy, stressful days in the city and it’s unusual. I don’t know anyone else that even meditates once a month. But then again I don’t really talk about this kinda thing to Muggles. Certainly my work colleagues would think it extremely freaky if I admitted to daily meditation.

I have tried to give it up. I reset my alarm to 630am and tried to force myself to lie in. But it was pointless. Each morning I still awoke at 519am and lay tossing and turning until I just had to get up. Odd eh!  So anyway, here are the reasons I meditate almost every day:

1) Firstly because I love it! Oh yes baby, I absolutely love meditating. And I miss it when I don‘t do it. It’s not a bubbly, lively, bouncy love. No, it’s a contented, relaxed, satisfied and tranquil love. Like the love of an old dear friend. I have been meditating, on and off, for 9 years now and it’s a wonderful way to start the day.

2) The variations are massive. Absolutely huge. I do not get bored with the day after day repetition because I mix it up with a wide variety of different cool and funky things. I have 50 different meditation albums in my itunes; all the different types you can do. Each album has between one and 10 different mediations to listen too. That’s about 125 separate meditations I have built up over the years. 125 different mediations to mix up and spice up my inner-world. Some hour long rides. Some 10 minutes peace and quiet. Some so simple they just focus on the breath. Some long intricate fun guided journeys through funky places. Some just music. Some just vibrations. Some just chanting Omm. Lots of different types of chakra meditations too. Even some with special music that vibrates your brain! And we must also mention the reiki. Guided reiki meditations…a joy to behold! What a way to start the way! Funky!

3) It is written, by the meditating guru’s of our world, that a daily meditation is all that is needed for a full, happy, healthy and contented life. They say that physical exercise is not necessary if you meditate daily. Wild eh! I have not found that true, yet. But it might be true if I continue! LOL, anyway it’s easy to continue when I enjoy it so much.

4) I was sick in ignorance for a long time. I didn’t know it was mercury that was kicking my arse. Towards the end of that ignorant period I had three hopeless and painful years practicing something called The Alexander Technique. I will not bore you with the details now, but there is an element of meditation to it. I spent an hour practicing each day. It lessened some of the aches and pains in my body. It didn’t cure my body, but it cured my mind. I was depressed back then. Depressed with my painful life. The Alexander Technique made the depression go away. Each day I spent an hour with just myself. I focused on not thinking about anything. Each time my mind wandered, as is normal, I brought it back to my here and now. It wasn’t overnight, and my body still hurt everywhere, but my mind became clear. I saw things clearly. I didn’t understand my health, but I understood something was deeply wrong and that I needed to pull my finger out if I was to get better. Once I started looking, I picked things up pretty quick. Today I see clearly the problems in front of me. I clearly see the paths that I can take. I have a broad view of things too. A wide-angle view of my path. Some may be long paths, but nevertheless, I see clearly. I put that clarity down to all the mediation I have done. If you read my book and wondered how I ‘got everything’…it’s because of the mediation.

5) If you take a moment to stop and think of nothing, nothing at all, it is pretty hard. Go on, try it now. Take 2 minutes out now. Just stop reading this. Close your eyes. Clear your mind. Think of nothing. Just follow your breath for two minuscule minutes out of your day.

Bet you five bucks your mind swings quickly on to something happening in your life. Big or small the thoughts always creep back. Don’t worry, it is 100 percent normal, everyone is the same.

When you meditate, you stop those normal everyday thoughts from filling up your mind. Whenever you notice your thoughts wandering away, you stop and bring yourself back to the here and now. Usually just focus on your breath, or if following a guided meditation, just following that gentle path.


Well, your mind is constantly full of thoughts. We are perpetually thinking about stuff. Our minds never stop racing through all the different scenarios in our life, thinking up witty comments we could have said, thinking about what’s for dinner, what did your boss mean when he said “goodnight” in that tone of voice? Bam bam bam. Our minds are full of action. And sometimes it needs a break. Sometimes it is good to stop that constant inner chatter. Yes, you are not mental if you talk in your head. Everyone does it. Everyone without exception!

When you meditate, you wipe the slate clean. You stop the mind thinking and it creates space. It like wiping a blackboard clean. Clean and fresh, tranquil and calm. Ready to be refilled with new things, maybe?

What I have found is that when I finish a meditation, when I restart the inner chatter, things are clearer, less cluttered. It’s not an overnight thing. It’s something that is only observable in hindsight. You look back and you understand. Things make sense. Once tricky things, suddenly look simple. I guess this is one the main reasons why I meditate: the clarity that it brings.

6) Another reason I meditate is because I cannot practice yoga. I love yoga. Love the heat, love the energy, love the freedom, love the repetition, love the suppleness and the strength it brings. But being mercury toxic makes things difficult. It’s not a question of popping down the gym to ‘get fit’. Exercise is a calculated risk. Will I get injured? Will something snap, or tear, or pop out. Do I have enough energy? Will I be wiped out afterwards? And the number one reason I cannot practice yoga at the moment is because of my nose. Every morning I awake to a blocked nose. By the afternoon it’s clear, but I only have time and energy in the mornings. I have found decent yoga almost totally impossible with a blocked nose. I must be able to breath properly through my nose in order to practice correctly. It is super-frustrating and I am very prone to injury otherwise. The breathing generates the heat and energy my body needs when practicing properly. So, yeah, I’m off-games and so it’s meditation or nothing. Did you know: the yoga postures and mediation are two sides of the same coin! Fact.

7) When I am feeling poorly, meditation helps me see clearly, calms me down and allows my body to fully relax. When I am feeling good, mediation makes me feel even better. Energy surges into my body and makes me feel great. Ok, here I seem to be veering into slightly dodgy waters. Energy? That’s probably freakin’ you out! What? And so it should, it is freaky! So, I think that’s all I will say for now, but yeah some types of mediation makes me feel better, full of energy.

Anyway – just my thoughts on meditation and why I do it. I work long hard hours in my job. I have to deal with some very difficult people. It is stressful. I have worked in the city since I was 19 years old, that’s 24 years of my life so far. Seven years ago I decided to reward myself with one hour a day to myself. Total peace and quiet. Just me, myself and I. No one else is allowed. I can do anything I wish.

Anything! Cool eh! Obviously the only time that’s possible, I have two kids don’t forget, is in the mornings before work. My hour is dedicated to my health. Yoga or mediation or reiki or special breathing techniques. Up to me, whatever I feel like doing. Since I’m off-games it’s been the mediation that I have focused on these least 1.5 years. Time flies when you are having fun.


Side note: I didn’t do any research when I wrote this. It just came from the heart, just came from my own experiences. I purposely didn’t want to be distracted or influenced by anyone else. But after I’d finished I thought I should probably have a look, just in case! And a quick internet search revealed the following benefits of mediation: Enhances concentration, lowers blood pressure, improves sleep, manages pain, live longer, connect better with others, less bothered by little things, better health, better knowledge of self, people enjoy your company, achieve several hours sleep in 20 minutes meditation (I didn’t know that), productivity sky-rockets, reduces stress, increases exercise tolerance, deeper relaxation, reduces muscle tension, enhances immune system, feel fantastic and apparently purifies your character, whatever that means!

I found a list of 100 benefits here: http://www.ineedmotivation.com/blog/2008/05/100-benefits-of-meditation/

Is anyone interested in my top 10 meditations?

Take care



So, what’s next you ask? What will I do next to help myself?

Will it be a bowel cleanse? Or maybe a parasite cleanse? Or liver herbs to go with the castor oil packs? Or kidney cleanse? Or lungs? Or pro-biotics? Or chelation? Or a break? Or Reiki? Or a combination?

Well, I have been doing various different herbal combinations all year so it’s time for a break. Just a week or two. Time to give my body a rest from detoxing and give it a little bit of love instead.

I went to see Roma the Reiki Lady down the road. She told me she has been really sick. She had a brain haemorrhage earlier in the year. Nasty. But better now and giving out Reiki again.

Always makes me wonder that. Healing people getting sick. Doesn’t seem right. Surely the people who help us should be healthy? Just like Andreas Moritz dying at the incredibly young age of 58. I mean, how can he die? What did he die of? I learnt so much from him. His books stunning. His knowledge of how our bodies work amazing. Just amazing. He was a wizard (ha!) at explaining things! And he died aged 58? What does that say about his healing skills? No idea, but it’s not a good advertisement for alternative health.

But then again, what do I know? I don’t know anything at all about his situation. Maybe he should have died aged 12 and had all this extra life? Who knows? But, I do think it odd when healers get sick. Anyone know how Andreas Moritz died?

Anyway, I’m getting sidetracked. Roma the reiki lady. I have myself done the Reiki I and Reiki II training a couple of years ago, but I have been off-games with the Reiki this year. It didn’t agree with my heart problems. Just didn’t feel right. Made my heart race out of control: horrid. Felt like driving too fast on a cliff edge road. Scary. I know it was my heart, not the reiki that was broken, so that’s why I just stopped it. It just didn’t agree.

But my heart is fine now, so time to rekindle the reiki. But rather than self practice, I thought I get a professional to do it, to make sure I get back on the wagon correctly.

I lay down, covered in a blanket. Close eyes. Follow my breathing down to a relaxed level. Roma hovers her hands a few inches above my head. I immediately feel the energy on my skull. Oh yeah, I physically feel the energy when I experience it. Feels like a pressure on my head. The more energy, the more pressure, but this is gentle.

I try hard to stay awake as long as possible. I follow my breathing. I experience the energy. I look in to the blackness of my closed eye vision to see if I can see any colours? But nope, no colours showing yet. I usually only get the colours showing when the energy is strong.

My eyes are closed, but I know the reiki treatment will be all over my body, so I try to guess over where her hands are hovering? But feels like my head is getting most of the treatment. The pressure is fairly constant around my head. Eventually a few colours start swirling in font of my eyes, but I am losing the battle to stay awake.

“Danny. Danny. Danny. It’s finished.”

“Oh, was I asleep?”

“Oh yes”

“Ummm. Nice.”

“Take you time, get up slow.”

I awake relaxed, calm and warm.

“I felt the energy mostly on my head for the whole time.”

“For me it was the other way around. I could not feel your head at all, but I did everywhere else. Especially your throat and stomach. I did a normal full body healing.”

“Odd, I only felt it on my head. Felt like the energy was blocked. It did not flow around my body like it usually does. No idea what it means. Do you?”

“Nope. Every session is unique.”

I always enjoy the reiki. Always fun. No real fireworks this time, but that’s ok. It’s good to do. Good to give my body some love after all the detoxing I do.

I am booked in for two reiki sessions in the coming weeks.

That’s all folks!

Mile high!

I am on a British Airways flight to Mumbai. My in-flight 3D map tells me I am currently flying over the Caspian Sea, some place called Baku. It’s a four day trip. Two days business. Two days travelling. I’m bored sitting here. So I thought I’d type a mile high blog entry.

I have been busy this week. Lots of things going on and no time for castor oil packs in the evenings. I have been feeling a little ropey again. Only a little, I still feel better overall, but some gains from the castor oil packs have reduced. A little bit of nausea has crept back. Why’s that?

I think it’s because the castor oil packs, or lack of I should say. When you detox using the castor oil packs they only detox the gallbladder a little bit. What I mean is; they only detox the bottom part of it. Or maybe say; only a little bit of crud comes out. It is still full of gunk and gallstones in the top part. After a few days the gunk settles and things get re-blocked up. Less gunked, but still gunked.

Yes, exactly: that’s why you have to keep doing them. It’s a weekly job. Three-in-three days weekly will keep detoxing the gallbladder.  Castor oil packs are a gentle detox and they require weekly commitment to your getting better. They are a civilised way to detox, but it is slow and takes time. That’s alright, I have plenty of time.

What else is going on?

I think I said it before, but my diet is reduced down to Defcon ‘strict’, rather than Defcon ‘ultra strict’. Back on a little fruit and carbs, except wheat.

Oh yes, Humaworm Candida is paused/stopped for my Mumbai trip. Not good to travel and try to do business in strange places doing herbs. I need to be in peak condition when travelling. I have done 28 days out of 30, so I think that will probably be it and I will stop here. I still have half the pills left because I was on a reduced dose for the first 3 weeks. I will freeze them to keep them fresh and save them for another time.

So, what’s next you ask?

Will it be a bowel cleanse? Or maybe a parasite cleanse? Or liver herbs to go with the castor oil packs? Or kidney cleanse? Or lungs? Or pro-biotics? Or chelation? Or a break? Or Reiki? Or a combination?

Answers on a postcard, or hit the reply button below.

That’s all folks!

Castor Oil Packs – Ding Ding, Round II – Major success!

Ok Castor oil packs. These are done over my gallbladder to help heal and unclog it. Last weekend I completed my second set of three-in-three days. After the third I drank some olive oil then went to bed.

In the morning I passed a load of yellowy bile in my BM. Always a good sign. That is the signal that the castor oil pack worked. It means my gallbladder had a mini flush and unclogged some gunk. But it is only a mini flush, so they need repeating. I consider castor oil packs to be a very civilised way of detoxing. I have only ever felt good during and after them. So much more civilised that those hardcore ‘liver flushes’.

So, results? What’s happened since then?

Well, the nausea I have had daily for the last 11 months has gone. Rock ‘n’ roll!

The jitteriness I have had for 11 months has greatly reduced. Happy dayz!

The uncomfortable feeling of ill-health has lifted too. Nice!

Today I feel normal. Normality has returned. My health is not constantly keeping me on edge. I feel more relaxed and calm. Steady. And I must say I am pretty happy about all this. It’s about time I had a break through! It has been a tough and difficult year. As a rough guide I would say I am about 20 percent better than I was before the packs…so yeah, as I said: all pretty cool and happy.

I’m not out of the wood yet. The liver and gallbladder still need a lot of work on them. I will continue with the castor oil packs weekly and will soon start some liver herbs too.

I have been doing the Humaworm Candida herbs for the last three and a half weeks. I have had to keep the dosage at between ¼ and ½ dosage due to the horrid side effects kicking my arse. Since I completed the 2nd set of castor oil packs I have felt fine and ramped the herbs dose up to full power….and I feel fine, no side effects at all. Those castor oil packs have certainly hit the nail on the head for me right now!

Happy dayz!

What else is going on here? I had a massage on Monday night from my friend Anna. Thank you!! Tuesday night I had a one hour reiki session from my local reiki master Roma the Healing Lady. Felt like the right thing to do. Give my body some love. I have booked up two more appointments in the next two weeks. Good to get some energy surging round my system.

I have relaxed my diet now. I am now eating all veggies. (I was avoiding carrots and beets and anything with lots of sugar like parsnips). Also eating potatoes, and raw cheese. Only thing I am still avoiding is wheat. I will keep that off the menu for a while. All other junk and rubbish is long gone off my menu.

I am still doing the Transformational Breathing every morning for 10 minutes, still meditating for 45 minutes every morning too. And the bowel cleaning herbs as well.

Tomorrow I have large lunch appointment with all my top clients and booze will be unavoidable. I have been off the drink for 3 months, so I guess we will see if I can handle it! Don’t worry, I will be taking it very easy. I have to because I’m off to India on Saturday. Two day business trip to Mumbai. In, out, shake it all about. That will be fun, but knackering.

Yes. Yes that’s right. Yes I do do a lot of different things don’t I. My health waits for no one. I have tried sitting on my arse doing nothing. But for me, for the mercury toxic, that does not work. Action is required! I just keep cycling through all the different healing methods I know of. Everything helps in its own special way, and sometimes you get a major boost like I have just done with the castor oil packs.

Take care

Saw a Doctor this week.

Last Tuesday I had a medical. My company pays for it. To make sure I am healthy. My annual check-up. I don’t like doctors. I don’t like what the doctors tell me. They never seem to get it right. Their questions and answers seem so basic. Designed for ignorant people who don’t know anything about health, and don’t know that doctors can be wrong.

I nearly lost my temper this time. Nearly, I had a little slip, but I managed to clamped shut my mouth instead and held it back like a pro. Dumb Doc. Everything came out ‘in range’, as usual, except I had blood in my urine. You know what she said about that?

“Test must be wrong. You should have done it mid-stream. Go to your GP and get it done again properly.”

Lol. Crazy docs. So lazy. So so lazy!

“Well Sunshine, I’ve given you a thorough checkin’ over and you are in great shape. Great shape. Well done.”

“But what about the getting up every night to piss? That’s not right.”

“Probably just a bladder infection.”

“But it’s been nine months at least?”

“You probably just have a weak bladder…”


“You probably just have a weak bladder…”



“’Twas nice to see you.”

“No problem”

“And thanks for checking my prostate”

“My pleasure. Your prostate is fine.”

“Thank you, but what about the tiredness? The weariness? The lack of energy?”

“Everything is fine. You are in good health for a man of your age.”

“Are you deaf?

“Everything is fine. You are in good health for a man of your age.”

I gave up after that. There is no point in fighting the system. Little old me can’t change anything. I got better things to do than argue with people who think they know everything. Best to quietly move on, not get in their way. I am in charge of my health.

I will await the blood tests with interest. Muscle tester dude said my gallbladder was all congested and buggered. I wonder if that will show itself, or if I will be as ever ‘in range’?

I don’t let it get me down any more. I’m way past that. I just try and use what I can from the little I get.

Some actual good news: I don’t have haemorrhoids. I don’t have bum cancer. Heart was fine too. And the mega good news: my blood pressure was bang on perfecto! 120/70. That’s how I roll! Winning!

That’s all folks!

Castor Oil Packs: I love it when a plan comes together!

Muscle Tester Dude found my gallbladder stressed so I decided to do some castor oil packs. The deal is this: you soak three flannels in a bottle of castor oil. Enough to make the flannels wet, but not drippy wet. You apply the soaked flannels, called a pack, to the area in need of help. In this case my gallbladder, which is a hands width beneath my right nipple. The pack is applied flat and is sealed in place with cling film. It gets a good wrapping because you don’t want that castor oil getting smeared all around your house, furniture and clothes. Next you apply a hot water bottle to the area, wrap yourself in a towel, and sit down on the sofa in front of the TV and watch whatever.

The heat warms everything up and you get a warm fuzzy glow. The castor oil heats up and goes into your body and works its healing magic. After about one to one and a half hours you take the pack off. The time to take the pack off is when you first feel a twinge of detox, or the first fluttery sensation of oddness. Yes, you will feel it. Yes, it is subtle. Afterwards wash the area in warm water with some bicarb soda. The bicarb soda lifts any toxins that have transferred out of the gallbladder and that may be lodged in the skin. The wash is important. If you don’t use the bicarb soda you may get an itchy rash that will not go away until you wash with the bicarb soda. You have been warned!

I guess it sounds a bit fantastical, but it’s just another example of the holistic healthcare that you can do yourself from the comfort of your own armchair. Castor oil has long history of healing. Any internet search will provide plenty more details, or if you want to get really involved, you can read ‘Oil that heals’ by William A. Mcgarey.  Odd book, but nevertheless tells you all about castor oil, its history and its healing capabilities.

Well, the deal for healing gallbladders is to do three packs, over the gallbladder, in three days. After the third, on the third day, you drink a good glug of olive oil. I measure it by filling my half pint glass to one fingers worth of olive oil. I guess that’s three-ish table spoons of olive oil. Then go to bed. This is supposed to help clean and cleanse the gallbladder and liver.

But the proof, as ever, is in the pudding. Does it actually work? That’s were I come in.

Last night I did my third in three days and then forced down the olive oil. It always makes me judder. Always makes me shake my head, stretch my jaw and shudder. Drinking neat olive oil is kinda gag inducing, but its temporary and no big deal.

Last night I muscle tested the oil before I drank it and my body gave a super strong and positive signal. Very encouraging! I glugged it down, I juddered, I went to bed.

I slept well. In fact I slept right through to my alarm. Odd, I usually have to get up at 3am and have a pee. That’s a good thing.

Normally my mornings are a bit dodgy. I have 5-10 minutes where I just sit on the bog and hold my hands over face and try to grab hold of my life. I breathe deep, sigh, groan and feel generally frazzled and unrested from sleep. It’s no big deal. No one is around. No one can see. But I notice it. I know it’s not normal. I have tried, but every morning I sit there holding my face, all scrunched up, my body silently screaming to get some unknown horridness out of my body. I can’t stop it. It must be some toxin lurkin’ in me. Why else would I feel so frazzled? Odd eh! Some detoxing must go on whilst I am asleep, but is unable to exit.

This morning, after the third castor oil pack, everything was normal. I sat on the loo, did my business, finished, then went to do my morning meditation. I had a huge smile on my face too, because the horrid, scrunched, frazzled, torn feeling was absent. Happy dayz! I love it when a plan comes together. Must be the castor oil pack. Must be. I don’t believe in coincidences. That’s a good signal that the castor oil pack has help detox me some. It is very important to listen to your body. I have been feeling light and free all day.

For most of this year I have also had this morning nausea that lasts until about 11am. It varies in intensity, but it is always there. Breakfast is kinda forced: I need to food, but the nausea takes away the pleasure. This morning the nausea was gone:-)

I love it when a plan comes together.

I will be doing more of these castor oil packs. You need to do them in campaigns. Three on their own, in isolation, are not enough. I will do them weekly from now on.

For the record I am : Meditating, transformational Breathing, Bowel cleaning with herbs, candida killing with herbs, and doing castor oil packs. The Candida herbs are at half dose, they continue to give me tingly and annoying die-off.

That’s all folks!

TB, Humaworm, Candida, Castor oil packs…but still no chelation.

Ok. Transformational Breathing (TB). What’s been happening? I had been doing the ten minutes practice each day before my morning meditation, but I got bored with it. So I moved on, and moved up;-) I skipped the meditation and just did 45 minutes TB. Ha! Now that’s more like it! Loads of funky vibrations when I do it for 45 minutes. That’s way more fun! Really oxygenates my body, and yeah, my body really likes that.

Last Friday I had a one-2-one session with The Transformational Breather Dude. What a nice man he is. Alan Dolan. Full of energy he is. And I mean energy, as in tingly, buzzy, spiritual and exciting energy. One of them people you instantly warm too. So relaxed. Calm.

I wonder what he sees when he sees me? Some stressed-out, middle-aged city chap no doubt. And that’s what I am. Stressed with my ill-health. It has been a major drag this year. I’m on the mend, but it takes time. Each set of herbs hurts. Each set of herbs takes its allotted time. Each set of herbs cannot be rushed. Bowel, parasite, candida, liver, kidney, lung. I have no doubt that if I could fast forward 6-8 months from now that I’d find myself looking back smugly and basking in my good health. I hope so anyway. Bowels done. Parasites done. Candida done and doing again. Diet doing. Liver and gallbladder and kidneys to do. And they are gonna hurt.

Anyway, I’m getting side tracked, the TBreathing. 730pm Friday night after work. No time to go home beforehand, so I have dinner at my local Italian, Fabrizzio’s. And as usual I cut it too fine, get stuck in traffic and arrived 10 minutes late. Typical me.

We meet at a new yoga place I’ve never heard of called Indaba, just behind Marylebone Station off Euston road. Lovely place. Posh. Brand new. And all warm and homely. Smelled nice. Smelled of happy people. Wish I had a place like this close to my house or office. Wish I was well enough to yoga.

Alan lies me down and explains I will just be breathing the special breath. Innnnnnn-breath and a quick dropped out-breath. No pauses. Each in and out-breath connected. Repeat. Repeat for about one hour. Simple. He will guide me, direct me to breathe correctly and use the breath to free up and open the parts of my body that are stuck. That’s the plan anyway.

I’m used to the breathing technique so I slip into the rhythm within seconds. Alan prods me with his thumbs all around my body. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes I shout out in surprise, sometimes it tickles and makes me laugh out loud. It is quite intense and occasionally my breath kicks in to overdrive and Alan has to remind me to calm the breath down. Less is more. Not good to hyperventilate. Throughout the hour Alan moves me about. Sometimes I’m sitting up, sometimes on my front with him prodding all over my back.

The intensity grows throughout the session and in the last five minutes the energy powers into overdrive in my hands. I love it when that happens. To feel the energy flowing like a wild-thing is wonderful, just a wonderful experience. My hands felt so heavy and full with power and buzzing with energy. I put them over my gallbladder to give them some healing energy.

Pity it only kicked in right at the end and I only had five minutes like that. Alan called me up and gave me a review: I’m good at breathing, good at getting the flow going, but I get over-keen, over-excited and breathe too quick. I need to hold the breath in check.

He said I need to calm down.


Find time to be on my own, to be myself.

And these were not breathing techniques…these were life lessons.


That’s why I meditate daily. It is a calm start to my perpetually busy days in the office.

Excuses, excuses…but the herbs must take their own good time. It’s not a question of ‘chilling out’. It’s a question of doing the herbs to detox my whole body. But I must finish these candida herbs first. Today is day 16. I have not got over half dosage yet.

Overall TB was another cool ‘n’ funky experience. A little expensive. 100 quid. Not cheap. Felt rough the next morning too as had some detoxing going on. Lots of water helped. But overall a fun incident along my journey. Something different. Nice to change things around a bit. Breaks the morning meditation routine up nicely. Would I do it again? Another 100 quid? Ummm…probably yes, but not next week. It is an interesting thing to do. Some people have gotten super better from doing it. I read the book by the discoverer. “The joys of Transformational Breathing” By Judith Kravitz. I always research everything I do. Interesting stuff. I find it amazing that such a simple change in focus in breathing can bring on such strong reactions.

I admit I am stressed at the moment. My health stresses me. It’s been an annus horribilis. And I’m in the middle of the Humaworm Candida herbs and they make life difficult. I only turned the corner in August. So that’s August, September, October, 13th November. Three and a half months since the BIG turnaround. And after the two steps forward, I have had a one step back. Ho hum.

Overall I am moving in the right direction, it is a little frustrating that each set of herbs takes so long. I am impatient to start the liver herbs now. The muscle tester Dude said my gallbladder is my biggest problem at the moment. So for that I need liver herbs, but I must first finish these candida herbs.

Because of my impatience I am doing castor oil packs over my gallbladder. Three days in a row, about an hour each, then after the third on the third day, I drink a good lug of olive oil and go to bed. It’s worked in the past. Very effective at cleaning the liver and gallbladder. A very civilised way to detox. Tonight is the third night.

Oh yeah, I have been doing these special diets for 6 weeks. No sugar and no carbs except brown rice. I have not really noticed anything too different, except I have lost 3kg’s, down to 69kg and that’s enough. I don’t like losing too much weight. I will gradually reintroduce some foods now. Lentils, potatoes and maybe some fruit to see what happens. I think I will keep wheat off my menu for a while longer.

That’s all folks!

Anti-Candida herbs update

After a rough 7 days from the Humaworm anti-Candida herbs I seem to be coming out the other-side. Today was a mostly normal day and I am grateful life is on the up again. Die-off, jittery, tingly grippy has mostly relaxed. These herbs usually kick my butt and this time is no exception. I am currently on half dose and think I will try ¾ dose tomorrow.

Talking of tomorrow, Friday evening I have an appointment with the Transformational Breather Dude. This guy should help open up and let my lungs breathe super-deep, oxygenating my body to the MAX! I look forward to that, the first session was pretty wild. This time I’m going back for some one-2-one action. He promise to take me “really deep” – whatever that means!

Muscle Tester Dude

Day 13 of the Anti-candida herbs from Humaworm. It’s been a tough 3 days with mega die-off hitting hard. I reduced to ¼ dose for a couple of days while weathering the Sandy-like storm. Today I am back up to ½ dose and things are manageable again. I even had a few spells of feeling ‘ok’ when the die-off receded into the background. But still, it is making life difficult. I am drink 3 litres of water a day to help easy the pain. I hope it’s all worth it!

Exciting news: the Muscle Tester Dude is in town. He has helped me greatly over the years, but he moved to Oz a couple of years back so I only see him once or twice a year now. I complained of nausea in the mornings with a mega-furry tongue, lack of energy, weakness, tiredness, and a feeling that the food I’m eating is not being absorbed.

With his muscle testing he found I am greatly deficient in calcium and that’s affecting my bones. I need to increase my dose from one capsule to four caps a day for one month. Then reduce down to two per day after that.

He found I was deficient in Vitamin D3 and proscribed six caps a day of D3 for 3 months. Need to power in the sunshine;-) He also said to try a UVB lamp. He said it was the equivalent to having a sunny holiday on a beach. Should make me feel fine. Not heard about this before, so I will research this some before I dive in.

He also found the Gallbladder weak too and that’s probably the origin of my nausea. Interesting! Milk thistle will help, ditto D3, ditto Calcium. Also means I really need to do some liver herbs too.

This all ties-in with digestive problems causing me hell, causing me to not digest and up-take my food properly, which in turn causes these deficiencies.

As ever, Muscle Tester Dude is The Man!

Candida Blitz

I am in the midst of a major Candida blitz. I have a three-pronged attack strategy in force.

Phase 1: Starvation
I have switched 10 days ago to the anti-candida diet on www.thecandidadiet.com and the diet-off continues. Life is ok, but I have been better. This diet excluded all grains and all sugars including fruit, although brown rice is allowed. It is more annoying than difficult to do.

The diet is designed to starve the candida, bacteria and yeasts to death. If they have no food – they should die. That’s the theory anyway.

Phase 2: Killing the buggers!
Next up is the Killing Fields. For annihilation of my unwanted guests I am again calling in Humaworm. This time their 30 day Candida herbs. It contains: thyme, garlic, fennel, black walnut, pau d’ arco, burdock and barberry.

This usually works, but it is usually extremely hard on me. The die-off and side-effects usually kick in hard and I am forced to lower the dose. I started the herbs nine days ago. I started on half dose. Then after 3 days moved to ¾ dose. Then a couple of days at full dose, before reducing to half dose again.

And yes, you guessed it; the die-off side-effects are kicking-in and are pretty annoying. Tingley. Tired. Weary. Hands keep gripping. Itchy. So I have eased off on the dosage to relax the side-effects down. It’s nothing wildly bad, about a 5 on the Richter scale of 1-10, but life is frustrating at the moment. I am as usual working a normal weeks in the office. No one notices anything untoward.

On a positive note I did feel better earlier this week. I was hungry and lively. Strangely my vision is clearer for some reason. No idea why. On Thursday I felt so good I even fancied a beer. And I mean a REALLY fancied a lovely freshly pulled pint of ale!! I know I am feeling fine when I get the urge for a beer.

But the beer is what brought the candida back last time, so beer is off my menu.

Phase 3: Waste removal.
To try and forcibly move the buggers on I did a week of P&B shakes. The P is pysllium. It’s just a herb that’s swells up in contact with water and physically sweeps out anything lurking in my gizzards. The B is Bentonite clay. This stuff sucks up, grips and holds on to any nasties and hopefully escorts them out.  I did the P&B shakes for 7 days and have stopped now. Side effects from the candida herbs mean I must relax away from the clay. Maybe do another week at the end of the 30 days HW herbs?

So yeah, that’s the plan. My three-pronged attack:

Starve them. Kill them. Forcibly move them on.

Why do this 3-way attack? Because last time I did the HW Candida herbs a couple of months ago they worked great. Really super-fantastico GREAT. A giant leap in my health. But I didn’t do the diet, and the good health did not last long. I had a business trip. I drank quite a lot of beers. Why not? I felt great! But the candida returned. And it didn’t go away. So this time the diet should hopefully stop any re-growth once the herbs have killed the buggers.

That’s the plan, and I like a good plan batman.

I am also having some success with something called Transformational Breathing. It’s a breathing technique that is supposed to transform you. It’s pretty funky. I’m doing it 45 minutes each morning and it seems to be helping some.

That’s all folks!


Hi and welcome to my blog.

Today I officially declare my blog open! Hooray! The last 6 weeks have been busy setting up the website. And what a complicated process it was too! The ‘famous five minute WordPress install’ took me eight days, LOL! But I made it eventually and that’s what counts. However steep the learning curve, it was way easier than mercury poisoning, and way easier than writing a book!

Talking of books, today I am officially a published author! Ha! How cool is that! Never knew I had it in me. Available on Amazon now. Aine my editor sent me three copies of my book. They arrived today. I am looking at them now. Very satisfying to see them there, sitting on the side looking pristine, shiny and new.

I am very proud of the book. Proud to have finished a five year project. I have a huge smile on my face as I sit back and contemplate my task completed. Fancy that, I wrote a book! I hope people like it. I hope it helps. That’s what it’s for. To help people. To help them understand so they can help themselves.

This last month I spent typing up all my chelation rounds after The Mercury Diaries book finished. That’s rounds 57 to 74, all backdated here in the blog.

So here we are, live, right here and right now. And I’m not chelating. What a disappointment! But I will be chelating soon enough. Once I have sorted out this bug problem, done a few more herbs, I will be back to chelation. My chelation is inevitable. I know it’s the only long-term cure for me. The only thing that will really solve all these health hassles.

Re-reading and re-writing all the rounds reminds me of the joys of chelation. I don’t mean the tiredness, brain fog and hassle. No, I mean getting the colours back so that they sparkle at me. I mean my vision clearing and the world coming into crystal clear focus. I mean my ears hearing music so clearly it’s joyous. I mean my brain becoming clearer and sharper. So clear I somehow managed to build a website and write a book. Yeah the joys of chelation are pretty cool. Although they are a bind, the rewards of a life regained are awesome. Something to strive after. Something to shout out loud about.

Anyway, in my blog I will write-up each chelation round, explaining what happened: good, bad and the ugly. I have done 74 rounds so far. I guess I will have to do 200 rounds to get all my mercury out. I’m in this for the long term.

I will also be writing about all the herbal formulas I do that cleanse, strengthen and help rebuild my body. I may also add some of the funky stuff I do too. Maybe some of the energy work I try out. But, I will stick to the chelation and herbs for the time being. Just to keep things simple.

If you add your email address to the subscribe box near the top right of the front page, you will get each post emailed to you. That way you don’t have to keep revisiting the blog: the posts just arrive on email and you can read ‘em when you are ready.

Anyway, welcome, hi, hello, pleased to meet you.


Health update – 21st October 2012

My last chelation round was exactly one year ago. In that time I have not been well enough to chelate. If you have read my book The Mercury Diaries you will know why, but life has been extremely difficult this year. Right back to the bad old days. 2012 is yet another year in my life that I’d rather forget. Somehow I managed to keep working in my city job, but I had some gritty months as I battled away.

A heart problem this time, an irregular heart beat. Scary as hell too. I seriously thought I was going to die from it. Horrible horrible time. No way could I have chelated during this time of hardship.

I have not been sitting on my arse doing nothing. No, it’s been a busy year trying to get better. And it’s worked to a degree, I am about 60 percent better than I was, but I am far from my good old self. The parasites are back, this time in the form of candida, and it’s been hard figuring that out, and hard keeping those yeast at bay.

In the last year I have done the following: Humaworm (HW) candida cleanse, HW kidney cleanse, HW parasite cleanse, more kidney herbs, bowel herbs, heart herbs, more kidney herbs, more bowel cleaning herbs, colonics, another parasite cleanse, Essiac tea, candida herbs again, probiotic’s, Specific Carbohydrate Diet, and more liver herbs. Most gave significant die-off problems so that I had to reduce and reduce the dose. Some sets of herbs had to be stopped completely because side effects were just too hard even for me to survive.

It has been a long difficult road. But I have made good progress even though I’m still not mended. There is another chap in my office with exactly the same heart condition as me. He has remains as sick as the day his health crashed; almost in the same week as me back in February 2012. So I have something to gauge myself against, and he is doing much worse than I am.

I did have lunch with him a couple of months ago, to compare notes and brainstorm ideas. I did try to explain some of the things I’ve done that have helped. But he is a Muggle and does not hear the words when I speak. His doctors are in charge of his health. He takes all the drugs his doctor gives him. He is significantly worse than I am.

This year I also saw lots of different healthcare providers and they didn’t really work out. Nice people and all, but they just provided what they thought was the problem…but they all got it wrong, (except, Alison the healing lady who was rock ‘n’ roll cool!)

I have gone back to basics now. Cleaned the bowels. I have been on those herbs five months so far. They have helped greatly. No one recommended that. Next I attacked the parasites. That was just painful, but the next set of herbs, the candida herbs hit the nail on the head and caused a significant upwards movement in my health. No one recommended them. I felt a millions miles better after those herbs. Yes, a million miles better. That’s where my book ended.

But it didn’t last long. I thought I’d cracked the problem and didn’t really understand how to tackle the candida problem fully. I was feeling GREAT after those herbs, and I assumed I was totally on the mend. But I went on a business trip to Geneva, I drank too many beers and the candida returned with a vengeance. But on the plus side…now I know what the problem is! Very important that. Very very important to know that Candida is what’s holding me back. Now I can focus candida.

I tried to clean the recently liver, managed 24 days, but the candida bounce-back needs addressing first. So I stopped the liver herbs 3 days ago. I must go back to the candida. That needs sorting before I can do liver or kidneys.

I tried the ‘Specific Carbohydrate Diet’, but the die-off is driving me wild and I really feel terrible at the moment. Tingley, buzzy, angry, a little glum and down in the dumps. I did the diet for 27 days. Zero cheats too. It helped. It sure did. I was able to get down to the gym and get some much needed exercise which felt wonderful. Not been down the gym for over a year. But something in the diet was disagreeing because the die-off never stopped. Just felt like I was annoying the little buggers. What I was doing was not enough to kill the candida, just enough to make ‘em mad and make my life hell.

So yesterday I changed diets. I am now doing the anti-candida diet as recommended on www.thecandidadiet.com It’s not difficult for me. I don’t find these diets difficult at all. I’ve had 6 years of diet practice, so it easy to switch to whatever’s needed. This switch just means I can now include brown rice in my diet, but must exclude all cheese, beans, lentils or anything with any sugar whatsoever. So no carrots, beets, honey, or fruit. All carbs are off the menu too, so no spuds or wheat, rye or anything. It goes without saying that all junk is long gone off my menu.

I only just stopped the liver herbs, so I will leave it a few days before starting the HW candida herbs. They worked a TREAT last time. Really really good, although it was hard coping with the mega die-off! Hopefully together with the special diet and some probiotic that will be enough this coming time.

After the candida herbs, in a months time, I will have to be ultra strict and stick on the diet for a few months before reintroducing any foods. I need to heal the gut. Diets are easy to do when you feel horrible, but when I’m feeling funky fine, it is trickier. I think I’m pretty good at learning from my mistakes, so I don’t anticipate a problem.

I have a business trip to India coming up and avoiding beer will be very challenging indeed. Christmas is coming too and I must do lots of business entertaining then. Lots of tricky things to avoid, but needs must.

Anyway, that’s about it, that’s where I’m at today. Terrible year, on the mend, two steps forward, but right now I’m having one step back because the die-off is driving me wild. Focus Candida!

Chelation will restart once I have got the candida under control, and after I have done some liver herbs, and after some kidney herbs. I need to do a full body round of herbs, cleaning each part of me, before chelation can re-start. So chelation will likely be a 2013 deal. Time will tell. Wish me well.

My health crashed in early 2007. Five and half years ago. It’s a long road. Bloody mercury.

Round 74

Decided to do another round to see if it changed anything, but nothing out of the ordinary happened except that recovery took longer after the round; four days.

I am feeling really tired and drained of energy all the time now. Life is difficult all over again and I’m not really sure why. Workouts are impossible. My temperatures remain low and that indicates tired thyroids, but the Armour support is doing nothing. I don’t understand why that’s not working, not even a little bit.

Well, the conclusion of these last two rounds confirms that I am too fatigued to chelate. It’s not chelation that’s doing this to me either. Something, somewhere is busted, or I’m doing something wrong.

Chelation must stop here until I feel strong enough to continue.

Not a happy bunny.

Schedule: 5mg ALA only, 3 days on round. Dosage taken every 2.5 hours, except at night which is every 3 hours.

Round 73

Ahhh! Not good news. All those tightly bunched together rounds in April, May and June seem to have fried my adrenals and thyroids. I am perpetually drained of energy. Oh no! I have just had a three month chelation break because of it. I have tried lots of herbs: Liver, kidney, bowel and they have done nothing to help with this fatigue. Gutted!

I wonder why this is happening now? My actual chelation rounds seem fine. No big issues happened, except a bit tired afterwards. But that’s normal. I always feel tired after a round.

At the moment the finger of blame points to my adrenals and thyroids. Adrenals seem ok now as they are supported with Adrenal Cortex. But I am struggling with the thyroids. I’m on 3 grains Armour and … nothing. Temps remain low. I remain tired. Bugger. That will teach me to get all excited and cocky and think I’m better. Bloody mercury!

Maybe this is just chelation hiccups? Maybe I just need to chelate my way through it? Not sure what else to do, so I will do a couple of rounds see what happens.

This round was easy and I have nothing of any significance to report. Colours sparkled as usual. I finished with a detox bath as usual. I remain fatigued.

Schedule: 5mg ALA only, 3 days on round. Dosage taken every 2.5 hours, except at night which is every 3 hours.

Round 72

Good news and bad news.

Bad news first: I have a very dodgy left foot. It’s constantly itchy and a rash has come up strong on my toes and arch of my foot. It’s been playing up for a while, but it’s worse now. My feet are really hot and uncomfortable. My heel is a bit manky too. I have a painful lower back when I lay down in bed. Sinus’s are semi blocked which has stopped yoga and my meditation too. I can’t breathe through my nose and mediation just does not connect if I can’t breathe properly. I feel low in energy too.

Doing some kidney herbs to see if they help. Doesn’t feel like it. Something somewhere is wrong. Not sure what. Chelation seems ok. Each round is pretty easy and manageable with cool funky things happening. But I had to break from chelation for a month before this round. The tiredness and symptoms drain my life. Where has my good health gone?

The good news: The previous round was BIG on colours and they are still clear and shinning at me. I must have got a big load of mercury out.

This round was an easy all the way through, although I needed extra sleep on Sunday. I had a couple of odd moments where I thought I was appreciating music much more than usual. It’s difficult to tell because I sometimes get into my music heavily. I was in the car and the CD sounded like the best music in the universe. Totally stunning. It was just an old compilation CD from Anthony Pappa: hardly ground breaking stuff. I will keep an ear out for any more sound-experiences and report back.

First day after-round: That CD sounds stunning!!!!! It is taking my breath away with its beauty. I definitely got some sound back here! My ears have been chelated! Nice!

Two week after the round: I just listened to Pink Floyds ‘Wish you were here’. This track goes way back to my teenage years. My best mate Ziya introduced it to me one lazy Saturday afternoon in his dorm. Happy dayz!

Well today, it totally blew me away. A love explosion of the ears. I had tears welling up, getting all emotional and steamy. I love this track, love it with all my heart, my favourite track, but this was something different. Tears of joy from listening to music: What fun!


I have definitely got some hearing back on this round.

How super cool is that!

Schedule: 5mg ALA only, 3 days on round. Dosage taken every 2.5 hours, except at night which is every 3 hours.

Round 71


Day 1: The clouds look wild! Little fluffy clouds! Orb style! Wow! Colours must be coming on strong because the sky is talking to me in texture, depth, colour and looks amazing. Did someone slip me some disco biscuits? Blues looking funky and I keep noticing them all over the palace. I love chelation when it brings me these wonders!

First day after-round: That was an eventful round! Defcon 1 in terms of colours looking sharp. I am seeing in high-definition too. Really crystal clear viewing at the moment. Lots of blues standing out and winking at me. I did have a few grotty hours during the round, which was a drag. But I also have a few hours of feeling absolutely wonderful, which was brilliant.

Third day after-round: I got pretty tired and drained again, but I survived. I had also started a three day liquid fast.

Overall this was a super-fluffy-colours round. Blue is the colour, and I think I see another type of blue in there? Mauve? Is that a real colour? Is that purple I spy? Not sure, whatever, it’s funky man. Makes me feel like a kid again.

I am running out of 5mg ALA caps. Time to order some more from Dean at www.livingnetwork.com.za in South Africa. But I’m gonna stick at this dose. Moving up to 6.25mg ALA was too problematic and hurt too much last time. I need to chelate at levels that don’t damage me. I am juggling my city job and family life here. So yeah, I’m going to stick with 5mg ALA for now. Cutler says find a dose and stick with it. That’s what I’m going to do. The inclination is to push on and get to higher dosages, but each hard round gives me the dose of reality I need to keep my dose level ‘n’ steady. 5mg suits me for now. On round is fine, after the rounds finished can be a drag, but it’s manageable.

As usual I end the round with a super-duper-double hot Epsom salt detox bath. They agree with me. They certainly reduce my after-round redistribution side effects.

I am also dreaming frequently. Austin Powers style dreams.

Schedule: 5mg ALA only, 3 days on round. Dosage taken every 2.5 hours, except at night which is every 3 hours.


Round 70

Missed a weekend of chelation because of the Mercury Attack on the last round. Wanted to have a relaxed and calm break after the last troublesome round.  Always best to recover properly before starting another round.

On round something strange happened when I ate carbohydrates, specifically when I ate my bread. I had a mega racing heartbeat. It happened twice, right after eating my homemade, hand-milled bread. Scary racy. Not fun. Really fast. Pounding away.

I sat down to rest to see if it dissipated, but it didn’t. Then I thought to focus on my breath, to slow and control my breathing. That seemed to work and after a couple of minute’s slow breathing, the racing heart relaxed and calmed.

Muscle testing confirmed I was not handling the bread at all. I don’t understand it. Why would bread (carb’s) give me a racing heart? Maybe it’s chelation doing something weird to me? I have done a LOT of chelation recently. Something else to think about. Bread is now off my menu.

Second day of the round was a full-on do-lots-of-things day. Cool! Loads of garden jobs done. And – yoga restarted! Rock n roll! Super happy about that. My yoga practice comes and goes depending how I feel. When I feel great, yoga is possible.

My dodgy right wrist with the repetitive strain injury (RSI) is better after switching mouse hands. I got used to left-handed mouse use after 5 days in the office, although it was very odd at first.

Also I can smell loads of things. My sense of smell has come back big-time Charlie. I get no more light tan bowel movements. Nice! I guess that’s the liver herbs doing their magic. Thank you herbs.

Colours seem brighter only occasionally.


I think I will do 2-3 more rounds then retry 6.25mg ALA again. I am back on the adrenal support, so I should handle it better, maybe. We will see.

Schedule: 5mg ALA only, 3 days on round. Dosage taken every 2.5 hours, except at night which is every 3 hours.

Round 69

Oh no! Got off to the worst start imaginable. Missed the first 3am dose. After just three doses into the round. No idea why. Both main and backup alarms were set. I stopped the round immediately. I had a detox bath that very morning to try to stop the $hit from hitting the fan. I had a horrible sinking feeling. Messing up the round usually ends painfully.

First day and a half was OK and I started to think I’d avoided anything bad, but then the fog set in hard: doom, gloom, anger, aggression and zombie state. Major brain fog crushed me. I just wanted to be on my own. Kept my mouth firmly and forcibly shut. I did not want to utter any words for fear of unleashing the dogs of war on some poor unsuspecting soul.

Oh no. Poor me. Poor me. I wanted some sympathy but at the same time I need to be left well alone. It’s not safe to talk to people in this state. I seriously and urgently needed to swear furiously. I bit back the pain. Lucky it was the weekend. I retreated to my room, closed the door and cranked the music up loud. That took me away. Distracted me some.

Next I had flu. Sore throat came on strong. Oh woe is me. Sunday evening I was boiling hot and slept the worst in the world. Really felt like a sack-o-cacko. I could not have got up if there was a 50 fifty pound note sitting on my front drive. Monday evening finally felt normal-ish. Tuesday I went back to work. What a nightmare. How long do I have to put up with this? How long will my recovery take? Why did this happen? Well obviously I messed up the round by missing the dose, but still, seems overly harsh.

I must be truthful with myself. I now chelate and do the herbs at the same time. This time I combined chelation with some liver herbs. Again. I doubled my herbs dose on the day I started the chelation round. Doh! I was just building the dose up to my target level. Silly me. Pushing it again.

Well, why not push it? In-between rounds I feel totally normal. NORMAL. Completely normal. Feels easy when I start these things. But I must realise, I must remember: the mercury is still lurking inside me. When I pull it out, it greatly affects me.

And why did I miss the chelation dose? No idea, but increasing the herbs will not have helped. Silly.

So yeah, herbs and the missed dose take the blame this time. But more seriously only one person takes the blame: Me.

Three days of pain from a couple of silly mistakes.

A butterfly flaps its wings…




Schedule: 5mg ALA only, 3 days on round. Dosage taken every 2.5 hours, except at night which is every 3 hours.

Round 68

A normal round. Nothing out of the ordinary to report. Pretty easy.

Second day after round I had a very dodgy morning: a lot of gritted teeth and face stretching Jim Carey style. Don’t worry, the faces were all in trap one of the downstairs loo’s. Then the boss sprung a surprise lunch on me, one-on-one. Oh, bad timing! It wasn’t too bad, although I did have to grin and bear it. I felt better after a small beer. I also had muscle weakness with lower back weak after this round. But it’s small fry and does not last. It passes, as it always passes. Just the joys of chelation.

Schedule: 5mg ALA only, 3 days on round. Dosage taken every 2.5 hours, except at night which is every 3 hours.